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Writer's pictureSammy TriState

Mother's Day Gift Idea: The Scrub Mommy Sponge (invented by a Sammy)

Fra Scott Bloom turned me on to the Scrub Daddy family of sponge products -- invented by his Eta brother Fra Aaron Krause.

After seeing the Scrub Mommy on the shelf at Home Depot, and running short of Mother's Day gift ideas -- I decided to get my wife one for Mother's Day. I'll let you know how that goes -- we'll see if she punches me in the face for implying she do the dishes on Mother's Day, lol.

Inspired by Scott's plug during one of our Tri-Sate Business Dinners, I decided to dig deeper into this Sammy Success Story. Aaron, the Daddy of the Scrub Daddy, engineered a bidding war during his appearance on Shark Tank. His performance on Shark Tank is a master class in negotiation. You'll notice Aaron is wearing Syracuse Orange on TV. By design, product packaging for all his products is orange.

Aaron truly personifies the "love for and loyalty to Alma Mater and its ideals" line of our creed, as evidenced by this SU testimonial video below:

Aaron starting doing dishes at age 10 and washing cars for ten bucks a car shortly thereafter, which is how he honed his technical acumen for the sponge use and design. At SU, you can say he became a sponge for knowledge. You can delve deeper behind this sponge success story in this Fortune Magazine profile below. At MM 3:34, undergrad Aaron is sporting our letters.

Aaron's mom suffered from advanced Alzheimer’s disease, so Sammy Tri-State is doubly proud to be a supporter of The Judy Fund of the Alzheimer’s Association, which brings us full circle in our feature blog post. With that in mind, I'll be sure to pick up a couple Sponge Mommies for my mom and mother in law this Mother's Day.

Cheers to your success, Aaron!


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